She Pulled Off Christmas Miracle After Brother's Fav Toy Was Discontinued

Cassie Gretchel was facing "mission impossible" this holiday season, but with a little help from the internet she pulled off a Christmas miracle.

Cassie's younger brother, Max, was born with Cerebral Palsy, scoliosis, and a developmental disability. He's also visually impaired, and relies on a wheelchair to get around. Max is 25 years old, but according to Cassie he has the mental capacity of a five-year-old.

That means Max loves children's toys, especially Tonka trucks. But his interest in the toys is very specific. Cassie says that "literally the only thing" Max will play with is his Tonka Police Hummer truck, which the company stopped making in 2000.

To make things even tougher, Max is picky about the color too.

"They used to be really easy to find because we would just get orange ones," Cassie explains, "and then I made the mistake of finding a blue one on eBay and now he only wants blue ones."

Cassie and her parents scour eBay for every Hummer truck they can find, and buy up lots of backup trucks because Max plays with them for hours each day. But his year, Cassie was having trouble finding a new truck for Max to open on Christmas morning.

But when group of strangers stepped in, everything changed.

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